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IB Del Mar Floor Mural w Derrik.jpg

Campbell Union High School District

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the artist

Our Founder, Derrik Diza, hopped on this project as it required special insights and materials to paint large-scale murals on the floor. With the help of some giant stencils and unique paints and prep, these murals came to life!

New Murals for a New Campus

When the team at Del Mar High was having trouble finding someone to paint their logos on concrete floors, we had the answer. 


Floor murals are always a little tricky - especially since they are more exposed to the elements and people will constantly tread on the artwork. Concrete floors require a special preparation for the surface. In order for paint to adhere properly to the concrete, Derrik had to use an etching solution to basically melt down the concrete and give it some grit. With lots of sun exposure, timing the drying between layers was also very important. 


Del Mar just build a beautiful state-of-the-art new office, so we had to deliver the same quality in our murals. Check out the clean lines and attention to detail here!

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